Saturday, February 14, 2009

Narc RIP 2008

Jack Forzenski is a man with a past a bad past. As an undercover
cop on the Rockland Narco squad, Jack got in too deep and became an
addict. Kicked off the force, Jack endured months of rehab and
counseling and has recently been reinstated to the force.

Marcus Hill is now with the D.E.A. but used to work with Jack in
Narco. The used to be the stars of the squad, busting more
criminals than the rest of the units put together. Once Jack became
addicted, Marcus quit Rockland.

A heavy increase in drug trafficking has seen Marcus returned to
his Rockland to tracking a mysterious new drug that is sweeping over
the street Marcus and Jack are together again but that doesnt mean
that either of the have to like it!

Eddie Jackson is a two-bit drug-dealer. He and he and his gang are
caught i a sting operation and surrounded by cops. The bullets
start flying and Eddi is gunned down. With his life ebbing away,
Jackson injects himself with a syringe and unbelievably he stands
up, eyes glowing, and guns down half the police force

Its up to Jack and Marcus, along with the help of Agent Daniels,
the Head of NARC, to get to the bottom of whats going on in

Decide whether to play it straight as a good cop or whether to
cross the line to be the bad cop.

Taking drugs can give you the extra edge you need but will soon
lead to dangerous addiction.

Take down bad guys with powerful arrest combos or blast them with
an array of heavy-duty weaponry.

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